Saturday, February 8, 2025

How can we judge if Jelly Roll is a Christian?

 Good morning my warrior sisters-

I was watching a reel with Brandon Lake and Jelly Roll a few days ago and I have to say it broke my heart. They are releasing Brandon's song as a duet together and it's mighty.  I was listening and all of the sudden Jelly Roll said, "This is hard." And I thought, what is bringing him to tears? It's us! Those of us that call ourselves Christians and then he said, people have stated he isn't a Christian because he cusses and doesn't look like someone who would be, that is so WRONG!

I feel as though we as Christians need to get in the Bible more if we are persecuting God's anointed. Who then is fit to be a Christian if not Jelly Roll and many more like who he was, like who I was. If you can say Jelly isn't a Christian, then you have to say David, Moses, Peter, and Paul were all not Christians. Would you say that? Of course you wouldn't, but who of them was perfect? NONE!

I ask you my sisters to consider praying for each other and to pray against the spirit of judgement on others. I pray that we send millions of prayers to the Heavens proclaiming that God's redemption of the sinner is mighty, all sinners. If you condemn or judge Jelly, then you must look at yourselves. This is not to say women have condemned him, but someone has.

Most of the time I'm proud to be a Christian but as I heard him say, "God has my heart." I thought what are we doing people! God has called us to spread the good news and by the way, he definitely is. We are not to judge or be judged by man, but rather God.

If we really believe in the Bible, then we must step out of our holier than thou attitude and receive those Jesus is receiving. I can guarantee as I sit here writing Jelly's platform is reaching more than the perfect person sitting in church. And God will continue to use him mightily, that's a fact. But if those of us that say we are Christians don't welcome them to the Bride, how many will fall away disillusioned and angry.

Jelly looks different than most. He did say he was a bad human and his testimony is full of hard stuff like prison and using women. He's real and his story is exactly what our time needs because he was a person needing a savior and God did just that. He did it for the prostitute, for the demon possessed, for the blind and lastly, his last act on earth was to take his brother on the cross, the murderer. We do not and never will understand God if we are judging others. We must look at the beauty of taking a prisoner and setting him free. We must embrace the differences and say, welcome. Why? Because if we don't then we don't deserve to say we are followers of Christ. We become Pharisees and I don't want to join that crowd, do you?

I hope today this blog makes you think about how you were redeemed. To ask yourself, where was I in life when God said come? You may not have gone to prison, but you were in some very dark place I am sure of that. And then hope beyond your wildest imagination came to save you. Your level of bad human might differ from Jelly’s, but we were all bad humans and are being perfected through the Holy Spirit. I welcome Jelly and men and women like him because like Paul he knows what it means to be saved by Jesus, maybe more than those of us that have walked the path.

Jelly or Bunny if you see this, I'm so glad you are part of the Bride! Thank you for embodying Christ and showing all of us that it's a journey with Christ. I pray that both of you are blessed beyond belief and that God uses Jelly's platform to bring the prisoner to Jesus. Thank you for being real, vulnerable, and representing Jesus in that you know God has your heart. True redemption begins with knowing you are a sinner and receiving the hope of Jesus Christ!

Here's a Scripture we should all consider today:

John 8:7 NIV

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."

Let's not throw stones but instead shine light into the dark. And please remember that if you were perfect, you wouldn't need a Savior. 

Be well my sisters and may many more come to know the name of Jesus!

Sunday, January 26, 2025



Good morning my warrior sisters! It's been years since I have written on this blog but it is time to start again. The LORD has been good to me and therefore, I want to begin to share his grace in my journey and the power of the truth.

There is no time like now to really come back to the Shepherd or if you don't know Him, you must seek Him. The events in this world demand a greater focus on our Savior. Like Daniel, we must be on our knees looking for Him, reading about Him, and proclaiming that He did die for us.

I will begin to write again and I hope that many will see the meaning of why we are here, through His words. He is real, He is with us, and He wants you!

So stay tuned as I begin again to ABIDE in the LORD I love. Writing is not just a passion but a gift, one that I cherish, and one that I hope brings hope to the downtrodden and light in the dark. 

This is indeed our time to shine. So with that, I say Glory to God. I pray that my time on this blog blesses many and that through your words dear LORD, people unite with the one true God. I have been blessed to know my Savior for over 40 years and not all of those have been in harmony with Him or myself.  However, I do know this, He is faithful in all things and has walked with me through my darkest days and brought light into areas where there was no hope. 

Today, I leave you with this my sisters in Christ as it came to me last night. There is no fruit if we don't abide in our Savior.

John 15:4 NKJV

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

I don't know about you but in this version, the words really penetrated my heart. I cannot bear fruit unless I abide in Him and neither can you.

My prayer today: May the Lord reach you wherever you are and may you find him in His words. May He cast a wide net with His mercy and may we all seek Him and find Him.  I pray this in Jesus Name, Amen.