Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Psalm to My Savior...

Good morning all-

A couple of days ago I was reading the Psalms and thought about writing my own.  I used to sit and write poetry when I was young, so I wondered, could I write a Psalm?  For me, it's not a confession of weakness, it's a confession of the heart.  A Psalm illustrates a journey with God and each one of us is on that very journey.  Mine is different from yours but each journey is one small light towards  the sun (SON). 

I hope you like my Psalm and if you feel compelled write one and share it here.

In the silence of the night I cried out to you;
I was searching for you in every cranny of my being;
I wondered when you would deliver me and how it would come about;
My mind wandered and it was destructive;
I was weary and full of fear and indecision;
And then, like the sunrise, my faith began to rise and my eyes were open to the supernatural;
Your name was on my tongue day and night;
Even in the midst of despair, I sought you;
Your light was like a beacon and I sought it;
My soul yearned for my Savior and I found hope;
Upon the edge of despair you delivered me and made me a Warrior;
I praise You Lord and give You all the glory!

I wrote this in about 10 minutes.  If you feel inspired, sit down and write to our Lord and Savior. He loves when we cry out to him.  He loves when our hearts yearn for Him.  He loves making weak, broken, lost people into warriors.  How do I know?  Read the Psalm and there you will find my heart.

I'm praying for you my sisters and I hope this Psalm lifts you up and that you find yourself enveloped with Christ's love for you.  He delivers, He loves, He hopes and He directs.  He is light in the darkness and hope in despair.

You Sister In Christ.

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