Monday, December 23, 2013

December 23, 2013

Good morning all-

Well today is the day I celebrate another year older.  Yes ladies, we do get older.  I can remember having my first son at twenty-four and thinking time goes by so slow but today I can tell you time goes by quickly.  As I woke today, I thought of those that have gone before me and the words that were often spoken.  My mom always said, "Be grateful for the time you have because it speeds up quickly."  No joke.

Time has gone quickly this year.  Soon my sons' will be leaving me and I am not quite sure what I'm going to do.  But for now, they are here getting ready to celebrate another Christmas and for one more year I can watch them wake up, come up the stairs with smiles and anticipation.  I am so blessed.  This will probably be my last year to enjoy them like this so I'm going to do all I can to get ready.

Tomorrow, my brothers will arrive early for Christmas.  Normally, we don't do anything until around 5 but since my mom and dad have passed every Christmas gets different and the traditions go away.  I'm not worried though because as long as we see each other, then I know I'm keeping my family together and that's all that really matters.

Often, I wonder how Jesus feels as He sees us grow up, change and get farther away from the children we once were. You know, the anticipation of a song about Him or hearing the wonders of the cross.  The times before true hurt, pain and scepticism comes in.  You know before you don't see the good in people anymore, you hate the government or a Christian person has hurt you.  Those times.  Christ said we must come to Him as children and I guess when we are broken enough we do.  A child never wants a parent to be angry, they look to please and they believe their parents are protectors, that's at least until they become teenagers.  Ha! Ha!  I believe that anyone can change with Christ. Why?  Because I did.  Through His saving grace I became a woman that loves unconditionally and feels the pain of others.  I don't just watch the news and say, "That's not me." I end up praying for people, countries and strangers.  I can't even go by a car wreck without praying for whoever is inside.  My nature is one that wants to love.  I was wired that way and it only became enhanced when I found Jesus.

I've been walking with Jesus for many years.  However, it's only in the last couple that I have become bold about what I believe.  I had hoped that people would see me and think, "What's different about her?"  And for the most part, I left it to that.  I prayed for people just like I do now but to put myself out there and really stretch with my faith, that just didn't happen until I began to write this blog and now look at me.  I've changed once again from someone scared of themselves to a person filled with a passion for Jesus and sharing it with the world.

I'm far from perfect and believe me I know it.  I think that's how we are supposed to be.  We can't be righteous, we have to be humble.  God didn't walk around boasting about how great He was.  He walked with His people speaking on love.  Love is what makes everything better.  It always has and it always will.  Not only do we need to have Jesus' eyes.  We need to have His heart.  He touched the Samaritan women, healed the blind, talked to the leper and walked along man not as God but as a man.  God always knew what it would take for sinners to have faith and today we are all part of that philosophy.  We are to be humble and to remember that it's not our education or our financial status that make us great, it's the fact that Jesus took the time to love us and to speak to us.  We need to pay that forward, don't you think?

Luke 1:35 NIV

     The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.

My prayer today is that one sinner, one very hurt woman would find this blog before Christmas.  I pray she will read these words and know how much she is loved.  I pray that time would be of the essense and when she finds Jesus she will have all the joy of a child before opening a present or seeing a Christmas tree.  We are one family, although I can't see any of your faces, you are the women God has chosen to be part of His glorious army.  He wants us to bow our heads and pray for those that can't see Him.  When I was a child I believed Jesus could do anything.  As I got older, I wasn't so sure.  But I can tell you that Jesus can do miracles if it's in His will.  That miracle could be so slight you don't even know what it is until He reveals it. So, Lord do Your will on women all over the world.  Give them a part of You this season and renew all our hearts so that when we come to You, we are like little children.  I believe in You and in the Spirit.  Pour out Your mercy and grace on all of us that need You so. I pray that I would always seek You as if I was a child and that those that are reading this blog seek You too.  You are my King and the King of the world.  We must remember Your words and remember the sacrifice You gave.  We will celebrate Your birth in two short days and I pray that Your name is on our tongues and that the world would see You for who You are.  Be with us today as we remember why this season is so special.  Beyond the lights and the presents, may the God of all time come down and spread peace on this earth.  In Jesus Name, I pray these words.  AMEN

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