Good morning all-
I am writing as fast as I can because I'm going to feed my son a breakfast of champions. You know, eggs and bacon. At least that's what he thinks it is. Isn't motherhood splendid? I'm so glad I have these moments with him and his brother. They won't need me for much longer but at least I can serve while their still with me.
Service that's a strange word in this society. I wonder how many people truly serve. I had the television on why I was working on my computer last night and I watched as Extreme Makeover gave a wounded soldier a beautiful home to live in. At the end, Ty welcomed home the soldiers to the US and to their families. Many of them are coming home broken but when you see what a few people can do, you realize that service is the greatest gift of all.
Mary served all of us. She stands as the mother of our Savior. She will forever be that but what was most impressive to me was her belief in God. She never doubted that she would bear His Son. Interesting? We doubt everything and if we aren't doubting we are worried; but she rested knowing that God would take care of the details and celebrated that God had chosen her to bear His only Son. Amazing!
Service began with one woman believing that God would take care of everything and it ended on the cross. Many sacrifices came from being apart of Jesus's life but I doubt many cared. They believed that the government would bow down to Him and that one day He would return. Kings were sent with gifts to worship a babe, think on that for a minute. Life was not easy during Mary's time. It was full of strife and chaos. You could probably correlate a little of it to today. I often wonder what she was thinking, we only have a few thoughts as Mark and Luke recant her story.
I found this passage as I was reading into the journey of Jesus's birth. I sent it to my friend that still has not found healing. It's amazing what a Scripture can do to heal a heart, provide hope or just make us look at life and live. I read it twice because as I read it, it ministered to my heart. May today find you well and may you always seek God for every resource.
Luke 1:14 NKJV:
And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord." And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
Strong words from such a young girl but nevertheless, she was so right. She worshipped our Lord with all her might and felt blessed to be fulfilling the prophesy. Her joy was magnified! I thought about that a lot last night. Times get tough but every once in awhile our joy is magnified. It comes from deep down and only happens when we believe that He is our Savior and that He can do all things. May God bless you as you read this passage. I know it has me.
My prayer today:
O, Lord, I love You with all my heart. I pray that one day the women of the world will shout, "We are blessed to be known by God." I pray for the souls of the lost and lonely, give them a dose of the Holy Spirit. I'm calling on You today to bring Your peace on earth, help the nations and wash away our sins. You are the almighty and once upon a time, You came to the world to save the sinner. Help all of us to be faithful to You so that we may preach the word of God!!! In Jesus name, AMEN
Until tomorrow...
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