Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 4, 2012

After a very long wait, my cousin got married this weekend.  It brings me back to all the frogs she dated and all the tears she cried.  I remember my mom telling her that someday she would find her prince and God was faithful.  She had prayed for years, saved herself for the one, and when he came, she was ready. If you asked her if he was worth the wait, she would tell you, YES!

I don't always understand God's ways and as Scripture states, we never will.  We must always take into consideration that His will is perfect.  We may desire something really bad but if it's not in God's will, forget it.  Within His will lies the solution to our lives, all of our problems, as well as our sorrows and our joy.  He is in the middle of every perfect thing that has ever happened to us, including giving us free choice. Take a step back today and really look at your life through Jesus's eyes.  We are not here for our glory; we are here for His.

Luke 11: 2 NKJV:

     Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
     Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

It's very important that we let God choose His will over our lives.  It's not easy but it's essential to a powerful journey with Christ.  You may not understand it now.  He never promised to reveal everything to us.  He promised never to leave us.  In the end, we must all pray, God let Your will be done!  He has the answers and the keys to the kingdom; He should be in charge, don't you think?

If you are struggling today with who should be in charge, remember that Christ sat in the garden praying, "let Your will be done."  When the disciples asked him how they should pray, He gave them the Lord's prayer.  We are on a course with only one direction, eternal life.  Stay focused and He will light your way.

My prayer today:

We are a generation of scattered sheep.  We love to control our lives.  Someday Lord, we will learn that You are the only one that controls our journey but for now, I ask in Jesus name that You would help us to hold close Your words, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  We know You are the director of our lives.  Give us peace in our times of unbelief and grow us in Your ways.  Guide us through the forest and give us a path for the future. May Your Holy power come over us today and may we be glad in all our circumstances.  You are the power behind us and we ask for it today.

Until tomorrow...

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