Good morning my warrior sisters-
I hope you are waking up to the anticipation of God's love today. I sure did. Do you ever wonder why we give up his hope, his love, his mercy because we aren't going down the path we had planned for our lives?
We make plans, all of us do, and often we are let down when those plans don't come into fruition. Take for example a young woman anticipating this is going to be the time, only to see the pregnancy test has failed once again. It might be a woman in her 30's hoping to be married. All of her friends are married, why can't she be? Or maybe it was the job you had waited for all your life, that would provide security and longevity, only to watch it go down in flames.
Life has a way of taking us on a journey that doesn't match our plan. Some of it is impacted by the world and the evil that lurks here and some is us. If we want to be liked more than serving God, you might just find yourself in a situation where you aren't liked. It might be we've put money and things before God and He might decide to take them away. You might not be getting pregnant because he has a beautiful soul waiting for you to adopt or foster. We all have things in our life that we think about way too much and it's those things that often we need to surrender and let God lead us.
In the case of Lot, they had money, power, prestige and many friends. They were well known but Sodom had become a place that was so evil God needed to destroy it. All the worldly possessions and accolades distorted what was true and godly. When God told Lot he must leave because he was going to destroy the city, they fled but someone couldn't surrender all that they had in that city. Lot's wife, who has no name, turns and in moments is gone. Why? Because God told her she must surrender to live but the pull for the treasures on earth were so strong, she turned.
I wish I could say I've never done that but that would be a lie. There are things in my life that I've coveted and I still struggle with certain aspects today. I still make plans and sometimes those plans come to fruition and sometimes they tank. Like many, I like to be liked. I want to be included and for people to respond to me. I want to be successful in what I do, to be a good mom and wife and to be a servant unto the Lord. I want to give back without getting and I want to be known. All of these things are good as long as they don't become the ONLY direction of my heart.
In the last months, God has given me a glimpse into two important directions for my life. One is to be unseen and be right with that and the other is to let Him guide me with His rod and staff. To be His lamb and to surrender every desire at His feet. It has been powerful in my life. I am being taught new ways to think, how to control my desires and align them with His and more importantly, I've drawn closer to Him.
Like Lot's wife, I want to hold on but the most healing, hopeful thing we can do is let go and surrender to God.
If you're struggling today, know there is hope. Open your hands and say, Lord please help me to surrender_____________. He will! I promise.
Let's be like Jesus and surrender our will for His!
Luke 17:32 NIV
Remember Lot's wife!
Have a great day and always remember there is hope in Jesus.
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