Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 29, 2013

Good morning all-

The temperature has dropped severely.  I think we went from 59 degrees to 19 overnight.  Wow now that's a drastic change.  It's often a joke about the weather here in Kansas because if you think you know what its going to be, it will change in a matter of minutes.  Crazy!  Anyway, that's just part of life, like looking for miracles, wishing our lives were different or wondering why bad things happen.

Life is ever changing.  The seasons change, time changes and we get older.  Our bodies are a ticking time piece.  I often wonder what it would be like to be 90 and to have seen so many different changes.  Can you imagine what that feels like?  They didn't have computers or blogs.  They didn't even have half the things we have now like air conditioning, great farm equipment, television, the Internet.  None of that existed when they were kids and yet, it all exists now.

We are in an Information Age.  The great thing is the gospel can be spread much easier, the bad thing is people use the Internet to corrupt, steal and stalk.  Although it has propelled us into a wonderful time of information at your finger tips, there is much evil surrounding this new and exciting age.  Many think that the old fashioned ways were good and I'm sure they were.  I only know of my own history and all the things I have had to learn over the years.  When I was in High School a computer was in one room and used for programming.  Now computers are a standard in all schools.  Primary school uses the iPad and we have computers or smart phones about everywhere we look.  It's crazy.

So like everything good, there are always challenges.  For the most part the Internet and computer usage has simplified life.  It has brought people together that don't speak the same language or live in the same countries.  It has wonderful resources and gives people hope.  Every sermon from my church is on the Internet for me to download at a touch of a button.  Books are bought on the Internet and Evangelism is done through the web.  It's crazy the many different uses that have come to us over the last 30 years.  I wonder what's next?

The one thing that hasn't changed is Jesus.  He may have lived over 2000 years ago but He has remained the same.  There is no diffence  between His commitment to us then or now.  He knows us and we know Him by faith not by sight.  It won't matter how far our technology goes or how many weapons we create because in the end Jesus stays the same.  The covenant that God gave to Abraham still exists today.  He is the father of all nations and we are here because of His love for God.

So if change has been overwhelming you just realize that things will always change.  Our Rock, Our Deliverer, Our Savior never changes.  Therefore, place all your fears and all your anxiety about change into the hands of our mighty God.  We are His and we will always be His.  Remember that God so loved the world that He gave His Son.  In the end, that is all that matters.  For us to know Him and for Him to be the center of our world and in  Him there will be victory!

I hope this season has brought you many blessings.  My life will once again change.  My sons will be leaving me soon.  The time is near but as I watched them come up the stairs at Christmas, my only thought was how much I loved them and how dearly I will miss seeing them come up with sleepy eyes.  They have been my light but soon it will be time for Christ to take them on a different journey. My prayer is that I will embrace the change as it comes and that they will be the men that Christ wants them to be.  Embrace change my sisters because it's coming anyway,

Numbers 23:19 NIV

     God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.  Does he speak and then not act?  Does he promise and not fulfill?

1 Samuel 10:6 NIV

     The Spirit of The Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

December 25, 2013

Good morning all-

I am awake with the anticipation of a little child.  As I write today, I'm staring at a birthday gift from my brother of wise men and the light inside looks like the North Star.  I'm amazed by it's beauty and majesty!  It says wise men seek God.  It reminds me that once upon a time wise men followed and we are now to follow.  Wise men walked the night to see the baby Jesus.  Why?  Because they were told too and to their wonder, there He was in the manger.  I doubt anyone understood the power of His birth or the meaning of it over 2,000 years later.

Christ came upon this earth, probably in the summer but we celebrate His birth when the ground is wet with snow.  Purified from the heavens, snow reigns down and it reminds us of a time long ago where a baby slept in a manger.  What a night that must have been but only a few knew the impact it would have on their day.  Today, we can watch the impact.  It's everywhere and while men and women are sleeping; I'm awake thinking about the wonder of that night.

O, Holy Night came from this wonderful event.  You can hear the Christmas carols throughout the land on Christmas Eve.  No one goes caroling anymore for fear they would be shot.  But in a simpler time, people left their homes and sang to God the Most High and thanked Him for His Son's birth.  Today, it's done in church or behind closed doors, kind of like the way we live our lives.  Jesus should be shouted from the rooftops but instead like mice we sit and only speak of Him when we feel comfortable.  The wise men knew to speak of Him and proclaim His birth for they saw first hand the wonder of the Son!  We need to do the same thing.  Beyond the presents under the tree, we must put Jesus at the forefront of our lives, not just on Christmas but every single day.

Our lives are a reflection of Him.  We are being watched from a far.  No one really knows whose watching but they are.  They wait to watch us make a mistake, say a wrong thing, or just have bad behavior.  As I've told my best friend, Christians aren't perfect, we really are just sinners.  So don't depend on them for your moral compass, depend on Jesus.  Because if you're looking for all of us to be perfect, forget it.  We were saved the same way others will be, by confession of our sins.  The only difference between us and the world is that we are confessing our sins to our Savior.  We still have them and with His help we will overcome them.

Please take time today to reflect on the power of the birth of Jesus.  It has more power than you realize.  Christ was given to the world to save us from ourselves.  God sacrificed His own Son so that we would know eternal life.  I often think about Paul, who murdered and tortured the men that followed Jesus.  On a road to Damascus he was struck by a light, blinded and could not see.  Jesus sent men to Him and as they came near and prayed, the blindness was lifted and Saul realized he was a sinner that needed a Savior.  Our prayer this season should be for men, women and children all over the world to know Him.  He is not just a story or an ordinary man.  He didn't just walk as a prophet that knew a lot about God.  He was the Son of the Almighty, born to save YOU and ME!

He deserves our time and our proclamation!  He isn't just our Savior at Christmas but every day we live on this earth.  Be warriors with hearts for Him, proclaim the cross and see what Jesus does.  I'm watching, are you?

Be well my sisters and love one another!

Monday, December 23, 2013

December 23, 2013

Good morning all-

Well today is the day I celebrate another year older.  Yes ladies, we do get older.  I can remember having my first son at twenty-four and thinking time goes by so slow but today I can tell you time goes by quickly.  As I woke today, I thought of those that have gone before me and the words that were often spoken.  My mom always said, "Be grateful for the time you have because it speeds up quickly."  No joke.

Time has gone quickly this year.  Soon my sons' will be leaving me and I am not quite sure what I'm going to do.  But for now, they are here getting ready to celebrate another Christmas and for one more year I can watch them wake up, come up the stairs with smiles and anticipation.  I am so blessed.  This will probably be my last year to enjoy them like this so I'm going to do all I can to get ready.

Tomorrow, my brothers will arrive early for Christmas.  Normally, we don't do anything until around 5 but since my mom and dad have passed every Christmas gets different and the traditions go away.  I'm not worried though because as long as we see each other, then I know I'm keeping my family together and that's all that really matters.

Often, I wonder how Jesus feels as He sees us grow up, change and get farther away from the children we once were. You know, the anticipation of a song about Him or hearing the wonders of the cross.  The times before true hurt, pain and scepticism comes in.  You know before you don't see the good in people anymore, you hate the government or a Christian person has hurt you.  Those times.  Christ said we must come to Him as children and I guess when we are broken enough we do.  A child never wants a parent to be angry, they look to please and they believe their parents are protectors, that's at least until they become teenagers.  Ha! Ha!  I believe that anyone can change with Christ. Why?  Because I did.  Through His saving grace I became a woman that loves unconditionally and feels the pain of others.  I don't just watch the news and say, "That's not me." I end up praying for people, countries and strangers.  I can't even go by a car wreck without praying for whoever is inside.  My nature is one that wants to love.  I was wired that way and it only became enhanced when I found Jesus.

I've been walking with Jesus for many years.  However, it's only in the last couple that I have become bold about what I believe.  I had hoped that people would see me and think, "What's different about her?"  And for the most part, I left it to that.  I prayed for people just like I do now but to put myself out there and really stretch with my faith, that just didn't happen until I began to write this blog and now look at me.  I've changed once again from someone scared of themselves to a person filled with a passion for Jesus and sharing it with the world.

I'm far from perfect and believe me I know it.  I think that's how we are supposed to be.  We can't be righteous, we have to be humble.  God didn't walk around boasting about how great He was.  He walked with His people speaking on love.  Love is what makes everything better.  It always has and it always will.  Not only do we need to have Jesus' eyes.  We need to have His heart.  He touched the Samaritan women, healed the blind, talked to the leper and walked along man not as God but as a man.  God always knew what it would take for sinners to have faith and today we are all part of that philosophy.  We are to be humble and to remember that it's not our education or our financial status that make us great, it's the fact that Jesus took the time to love us and to speak to us.  We need to pay that forward, don't you think?

Luke 1:35 NIV

     The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.

My prayer today is that one sinner, one very hurt woman would find this blog before Christmas.  I pray she will read these words and know how much she is loved.  I pray that time would be of the essense and when she finds Jesus she will have all the joy of a child before opening a present or seeing a Christmas tree.  We are one family, although I can't see any of your faces, you are the women God has chosen to be part of His glorious army.  He wants us to bow our heads and pray for those that can't see Him.  When I was a child I believed Jesus could do anything.  As I got older, I wasn't so sure.  But I can tell you that Jesus can do miracles if it's in His will.  That miracle could be so slight you don't even know what it is until He reveals it. So, Lord do Your will on women all over the world.  Give them a part of You this season and renew all our hearts so that when we come to You, we are like little children.  I believe in You and in the Spirit.  Pour out Your mercy and grace on all of us that need You so. I pray that I would always seek You as if I was a child and that those that are reading this blog seek You too.  You are my King and the King of the world.  We must remember Your words and remember the sacrifice You gave.  We will celebrate Your birth in two short days and I pray that Your name is on our tongues and that the world would see You for who You are.  Be with us today as we remember why this season is so special.  Beyond the lights and the presents, may the God of all time come down and spread peace on this earth.  In Jesus Name, I pray these words.  AMEN

Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22, 2013

Good morning all-

Today is the day that the Lord hath made!  I am blessed, are you?  I often look at my life and although not everything has been rainbows; I know God is good.  He has walked with me and talked with me and every once in awhile He gives me a miracle to hold onto.  People define miracles in different ways.  My miracles this week came through my children, my staff and the snowfall that blanketed the earth last night.

People are truly how you see God.  The smile that lights up a room, the closeness of family and friends and the hugs of little children, these are all miracles.  As I finished up my year at work, I was searching the web and saw a letter to Santa that was written in 1914.  This little person wanted a paint set, a reader and a bag of books.  Today, it's Batman, Barbies, and electronics but back then, life was so simple.

It got me thinking of what brought smiles to my face as a child .  Most of the time, it was a piece of candy, a hug or a big cookie my mom had baked.  I waited patiently for my birthday every year only to have my brother's get to open their presents the next day.  I still can remember the anticipation of Christmas and the beauty that it held.  People often ask me, "Your birthday is so close to Christmas did you ever feel cheated?"  I never did because I never really wanted anything big.  Like that little one that wished for essentials all I ever wish for is snow.  So as I was preparing for two families to come together in a Christmas celebration everyone asked me what I wanted and again I said, "Snow!"  So my miracle this season is that Christ heard me and coated the earth with the most beautiful snow I have ever seen.  It's like a blanket on the earth, coating it with white and making everything sparkle.  I'm anticipating the sun to come out so I can  watch as the different flakes sparkle.  It is a miracle.  Rarely, in all my years, have I gotten my wish but this year God saw fit to give it to me.  It really is a standing joke at my house but my husband and kids know so when the flakes started coming around 4 pm yesterday, my husband walked in and said, "I guess you got your miracle, it's snowing."

Can you imagine a world that just wished for snow on Christmas and the love of family?  Take away all the materialistic pleasures and concentrate on Jesus.  I can.  To this day, many don't believe in Christ and many don't believe that old dogs can change.  I do.  Why?  Because a simple prayer of snow was granted.  So if He does that, don't you think He hears our cries.  I do.  And although horrible things are happening in this world there still is a God that cares.  He is changing things behind the scenes, renewing hearts and granting miracles.  Just like in Paul's time, healings are happening, children are being born, and the worst of sinners are proclaiming Him!  When I am at my lowest, I always remember the miracles that have happened to change me.

Sometimes I think we forget about the miracles of God.  We forget about the technology that has come and spread the gospel.  We don't see that God is helping people, watching over them or that He does hear our cries.  We forget to focus on Him and only focus on our problems and when we do that the miracle of who He was and is gets lost.  I never want to forget the promise He gave to Abraham or the wisdom He placed on Solomon.  I don't want to be the Israelite in the desert that couldn't believe in the miracle of Him and I don't want to be Timothy that doubted.  So today, I once again proclaim in a God that does miracles.  A man who came to earth  who was the Son of God.  He is our God.  I'm not the only one that gets to know Him, we all do.  His birth is the greatest miracle of all time.  So as we come to the day we celebrate Christmas my prayer is that we will sing a new song and proclaim Him throughout the earth.  His birth was real, He is real and someday we will see Him.

As I continue my day today, I will be watching for Him to do miracles.  He loves us and He wants us to know He is hear.  He will not always answer our prayers the way we want Him too but He does answer one, "He loves us even though we are not worthy!"  I am off to start my morning but it had been so long since I was able to write.  Please pray for me that I would have time to sit and write to you.  This blog is just another miracle in my life, when I was down it gave me courage to get back up.  Celebrate Jesus this season and witness the greatest miracle of all time.

Isaiah 9:6 NIV

     For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

My prayer today:

O, Lord the world is waiting for a miracle.  This Christmas as we celebrate with family and friends please help us remember the reason for the season.  Take hold of us and guide us and help all of us remember your promises.  Your birth was proclaimed in the Old Testament and fulfilled .  Throughout the many years after Your birth, the world has changed, its become complicated and full of danger.  But today, as I look upon the snow, I realize that the only thing that matters was and is the miracle of You.  By Your hand we have been saved and all creatures great and small are Yours!  Help us find You through our pain, our hearts and our minds.  Many have lost a loved one this year and I hope and pray that the love of Christ will cover them in their time of need.  We should come together and pray for Your people and ask once again for You to do great miracles.  If someone were to ask me what has been my biggest blessing of all time, I would have to say the day I met You face to face.  Thank You for saving a wretch like me and for loving me through my rebellion.  Thank You for taking a scared little girl and making her a courageous woman.  Thank You for blessing me with the gift of loving others and Thank You for giving me parents that sacrificed and loved their children.  Most importantly, Thank You for the beautiful snow that reminded me of all You are.  The ground is covered in white and its new.  May I become a new creature as I strive to follow the One True God!  Rain down on us Jesus, fill our minds and hearts with You and help us to put You back in Christmas!  One last thing, please help the Syrians Lord know You.  Many are fighting for their lives and I know You are with them.  Bring women togerher to pray for the lost, the broken and the poor.  Forever, I will be in Your debt for loving me.  In Jesus Name, AMEN
Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 10, 2013

Good morning-

This week is a very hard but special week for me.  It's the celebration of my wonderful father who passed away two years ago.  It's full of good and bad memories.  He passed away seven days before his 70th birthday and he is so missed.  Thank goodness the memories remain.  I can remember baking with my mom, putting the tree up with  my dad and him patiently teaching me how to trim a tree.  He spent hours coaching me on how to put lights all the way around and then he had to teach me how to connect them so they would all light up.  If you've ever put lights on a tree then you know the patience he had.

I loved my father with all my heart.  I think that's why it was so easy for me to love Jesus.  My dad was a good man.  He was patient and he was kind.  He was everything that Corinthians 13 spells out and he not only taught me those principles but my sons as well.  There isn't anywhere I can go this time of year without thinking about him or my mom.  They made Christmas magical.  Even when they didn't have a lot they would scrape by just to see their kids or grandkids light up.  We call Christmas the Nana Christmas because she brought wonder, joy and happiness.  She spent way to much money but if you ask our kids what they remember, they would say, "When Nana was here Christmas was so meaningful."  It wasn't just the presents, it was the thought, the build up and the love my mom and dad had for all of us.  Their sacrifice was our reward.

I'm sure you've heard me use that phrase before.  I use it all the time to describe what Christ did by coming to earthas a man and giving His life for ours.  My memories are so precious that when I'm putting up lights, baking cookies or listening to children laughing I think of them.  As Christmas approaches, we really need to take the memories out of the Bible and share them with others.  My memories are precious to me.  You might not want to share in them but the intent of sharing is to let people know there is love in this world. Sharing Christ is vital to our society.  Christ is not a religion but a relationship.  Just like mine with my parents, Christ has given something to each one of us.  We need to slow down and remember what the prophets of old spoke about and how they came to fruition in the womb of Mary.

Mary carried the Savior and with her sacrifice He came to life.  Joseph watched God's Son grow and taught Him all he knew but in the end, Christ was the Son of God.  He is One God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  His story is the most precious story and should be told from your family to the world.  The world is no longer that wide or that far.  We can reach each other through the Internet.  Many are coming to my blog from other nations far away and yet, we have a relationship with the same God.  I am always astounded to see who has touched this blog.  God is calling His disciples from every land to join together and hear the good news.  There are so many channels to find Him.  This season amongst the commercialization of Christmas let's spread the word of the greatest gift ever to be given to mankind, Jesus.

He is the true reason for the season.  I love the lights, the Christmas tree and all the things that come with Christmas.  But the most important thing gets shoved behind presents and all the trimmings.  Let's make Him a priority this season and read the story that made this Holiday what it was meant to be.  We know that Jesus would want us to give a gift that keeps on giving.  If you haven't thought about it lately, then do now.  We must present the Gospel and all that it means.

I love being a child of God and am so grateful for the opportunity to proclaim Him.  I hope you are too.  With all that I am, I pray that God will bless you and keep you as you find Him.  Spread the word, write a story or simply pray for a friend.  All of us are in need of a Savior, be the one to share Him today.

Thank you for reading this blog and for encouraging me to get on.  It's been a journey this year and I'm trying to stay faithful.  My heart is full and my days are long but with you in them they are so much easier.  Tell someone today that Jesus loves them and then tell them why.

Psalm 89:27 NIV

     And I will appoint Him to be my firstborn, the most exalted of the kings of the earth.

Isaiah 9:6 NIV

     For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given adn teh government will be on His shoulders.

Mark 7:26 NIV

     After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem

My prayer today:

O, Lord, thank You for granting all of us the opportunity to know you.  As the days come may we spread the gospel and show your love.  We are sinners in need of a Savior and even when we don't think we do, we really do.  I pray for a miracle this year for my sisters.  I pray that they would pray like they never have before and I pray that women would come to see the beauty in you.  There is so much to turn us away and yet, you stand there waiting for us to surrender.  Help us all surrender our feelings and our desires to you.  We want to be grounded, not fleeting with hope, love and obedience raging through our blood.  We proclaim that Jesus is the reason for this season and that He holds the key to our reward.  Again, Lord, we are humbled to be your servants, give us courage, fortitude and a heart for only YOU!  In Jesus Name. AMEN

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7, 2013

Good morning all-

Well the first game of the season was a complete and unbelievable failure. After, I thought of the blog I wrote yesterday morning peace overwhelmed me. All the passion in the world can't equal the devastation of loss or can it?  I think it can.  Loss, denial and fear can crush you but only to a point.  God has a plan for your life.  Now, what you do with it is up to you.

When my son got home I wasn't sure how it was going to go but it went great!  He admitted what he did wrong, where his team screwed up and what they needed to do differently.  He didn't make excuses but instead he has decided to think more, do more and help his team succeed.  After Peter denied Christ, do you think he decided the same thing? He was chosen and at Jesus's greatest hour Peter failed Him.  I guess like Judus he could have taken his life in utter despair.  That's not how the story goes though.  Peter makes a decision to be the fisher of men and so the story goes for all of us to read.  He didn't sit on the sidelines or choose to wallow in his sorrow.  He chose to take up the cross, ask forgiveness and help Jesus!

I have always loved that story.  I guess it's because I find myself failing Jesus daily but at the end of the day I choose to walk and talk for Jesus. If I live in my failures, I will never know victory.  However, if I learn from them I can be a light to a darkened world. A true Christian is one that knows they are a sinner. For everyone that recognizes this, then and only then can we be fishers of men.

I'm sure today will be filled with lots of emotion for the Titans.  My prayer is that 14 boys will come together, guide one another and become one unit. Just like them, we must ban together sisters, shake off our failures and become one through Jesus.  We are the greatest team!  Women all over the world, letting go of their failures to take up the cross and walk with Jesus!  Join me today and ask Jesus to take us, our sins and failures and make us one so that we might glorify Him.  My hopes don't reside in a basketball game or even in my children's successes or failures; they reside in the hope of Jesus Christ.  That's what took Peter out of his sorrow so that we would know the gospel today!

Our lives are in the most capable hands.  Don't ever forget it. The power of the cross, the miracle of a Savior is still at hand.  Our prince has not yet come.  Today is the day to speak about Jesus. I'm not perfect and I do all the time. The hour is upon us and only we can make the decision to shed  our pride and shake off our iniquities so that Jesus can be known to the masses.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

My prayer today:

O, Lord, Father, I pray that you would be with us today. The story of Peter moves us and should propel us to follow you.  You made a promise and fulfilled it through your sacrifice.  Daily you bring women and men  to books, television, radio and blogs to spread the good news.  Your workers are few but the sheep are many.  Help us, O, Lord to be fishermen like Peter.  We cast our nets today so that we can see miracles in a broken world. You are our God and we are yours to command.  Your light is bright! Forgive us of our sins and help us be women that love you more.  In Jesus name,Amen

Until tomorrow...

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6, 2013

Good morning all-

Well it's Friday and the start of High School Basketball season and I'm excited.  I am so happy that my son has one more opportnity to prove to himself and others that God gave him a talent.  Do I think he will go professional?  Probably not.  But through this experience I hope he learns that God is in control, He provides us with gifts and He uses them for His glory.  And through it all, I just pray that he bonds with his team, becomes a role model and goes to God with every success and every failure.

Sports has always been just a game in my mind.  It's more of a hobby than a career.  Lately, my opinion has changed.  I see the correlations of sports analyogies to real life.  I never thought that being an athlete had anything to do with your mental toughness but today I do.  I have watched my son take over the court and I have watched him give up.  He always had the talent but he lost the belief.  I think all of us do that from time to time.  We have a success and we can go for miles; we get challenged and automatically we've failed.  It took me a long time to look at failure as a positive and to be honest I still fight that mindset.

How I achieve mental toughness is by going to Jesus.  I long ago gave up the fact that I was successful in my own right.  My success comes from Jesus.  It always did it just took me time to die to myself and put him in the driver seat.  My failures can be successes.  I bet you never heard that before!  But honestly every time I've failed I went to Jesus and found a solution or overcame the challenge.  Of course it wasn't overnight but out of my failure I found that Jesus became my focus and therefore, my failure brought Him glory.

Every day I am challenged with failure.  I am helping run a small company that has a very emotional management team.  I often find myself dealing with emotion rather than running a company.  Sometimes it feels as if every one is on pins and needles and all at once they fall and so goes the attitude in the office.  We are in the advent season when joy and peace should be on our minds and yesterday all I thought is how to I control this damage.  I can't.  That's the conclusion I came to at 4:15 am this morning.  There is absolutely no way I can control a persons emotional health.  However, I can go to Jesus so this morning I sat on the internet, looked at news stories and all the time my mind was racing with how can I fix this mess?  I could have gotten up and started on this blog but my mind couldn't focus.  So when my oldest got out of bed and came upstairs super early, I realized that I had someone I could talk to about the problem.  His response, "Mom, I'll pray for you."  Wow!  I can't tell you how many times I have said those words to my kids.  That sentence got me out of my inner turmoil and into writing this blog.  I don't need to shoulder all this on me; I need to go to Jesus.

I have often lived by the motto that failure is not an option.  I came from a very hard working, lower income family.  My father worked and my mother stayed at home.  We didn't have a lot but we did have a lot of love.  Never did my parents give up.  However, they weren't really big on going to Jesus with their problems either.  I learned something this morning.  Whenever I wake at 4 am again with thoughts of what to do, I'm just going to Jesus because He's the reason I'm here anyway.  My success comes from Him and He has given me people to guide and mentor and to the best of my ability I will continue to do that.  As far as the other turmoil in my life, I'm giving that to Jesus too, asking Him for the words to speak and praying that He will take my company and make it a great place to work.

I can't make a rainbow every day but I can stick to what I believe.  Just like Hunter, I have to set my mind on the goal.  He will be thinking about his team and the basketball goal; I have to think about the goal Jesus set for us from the beginning.  My mind is a powerful tool.  Mental toughness in the world comes when we look upon Jesus for every need, every success and every failure.  I don't have all the answers and I don't know how today will go but I do know that I've put Jesus right where He should have been from the beginning, guiding me, loving me and instructing me toward Him.

I hope today finds you well and I pray that if your mind is roaming you will take your thoughts and bow down to the king of eternity.  That's all for now, I have to go wake up that teenager and pray over him.  By the end of this evening there will be a winner and a loser.  Either way,  my son needs to know I love him and so does Jesus.  May today be full of Jesus!

No time to spell check or read over.  Find a Scripture that means something to you today and meditate on God's words!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1, 2013

Good morning all-

I couldn't sleep so I got up to get some things done before going to church. By the time most people are opening their eyes I will be done with dishes, grocery shopping and hopefully laundry. Isn't a woman's life a whirlwind?  Sometimes I feel like I am a storm cloud desending quickly, releasing all my fury and off to the next city.  I know that I'm not but I feel that way.  We are going to get our Christmas tree today and Hunter has to get his haircut, because this week it's the start of his senior year and he is excited.

I'm excited that Christmas is coming.  I will start making cookies and the smell of everything Christmas will be in the air, now if it would just snow!  You may think I'm being random today and I guess I am, the countdown is on!  This time of year makes me think of Jesus, my parents, laughing with my brothers and my sons' first Christmas.  It reminds me of the legacy that Jesus's motherly left us and of God's promise to make Abraham the father of nations.  Whether we know it or not, we are linked back to that promise and to the promise of Jesus.

My prayer this season is simple.  I pray that the world would know Jesus.  I pray that God would open the eyes of men and that we all would see His glory.  He is our comfort and our deliverer and even though we don't deserve it; He remains providing mercy and grace.

I'm one of the people that need Him the most because I have recognized that everything I do or say is meaningless without Jesus in my life.  I must continue to pray for His love to be revealed to every city, every people group,  throughout the world. I'm praying that women like me will rise up and pray for God to have mercy on a sinful world.  I may be cooking, cleaning or gearing up for basketball season but I'm always thinking about the lives Christ will touch today.

I hope you are well and that you will find Christ.  Many know Him but how many seek Him? Continuously pray for our children and ask God to protect them in a fallen world. Please continue to pray for the Middle East, they need our prayers. As we countdown to Christmas let us reflect on the goodness of our King.  His life was sacrificed to right a wrong.  Be aware of those around you and ask Christ to show you who needs hope.  Our greatest gain is His love.  Be devoted and pray without ceasing.  Our God is calling, hear Him well!

Be well my sisters and reach out to me if you feel comfortable. I love to hear from you.

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. (Psalm 73:25 NIV)

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. (Romans 8:5 NIV)

The farmer sows the word. Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.” (Mark 4:14-20 NIV)

My prayer today:
O, Lord my life is a reflection of Your mighty hand.  Wash over me in spirit and help me to see Your people.  Raise up women that would rather worship at Your feet than live a life of emptiness.  Your love is our reward and I thank You for it.  Give us spiritual eyes, a heart that seeks You with repentence. No one can fill the void like You.  We are part of a knowing generation.  We see things and do nothing.  Give us a heart of sacrifice, bowing down to our needs so that we can lift up those that need You.  Often I realize that my immediate family takes much of my time, I pray someday that my time would be all Yours.  Give us wisdom to love the way You loved us and provide a heart that desires You above all.  I pray these words and ask that You bless us as we seek You.  In Jesus name, AMEN

Until tomorrow....

Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013

Good morning all-

I listened to stories, laughed with family and had some of the best food in my life. Fellowship is absolutely one of the most wonderful things this life has to offer.  It made me think of the disciples sitting at a camp site recounting their day, laughing and thanking God for miracles.

We laughed about all kinds of things this week, we embraced our traditions and we spread love.  Not human love but Godly love.  The kind only God can give through His mighty spirit!  You know when that love is  being poured out because everyone is feeling deep connection.  We were feeling so connected that Mark poured His heart out last night and in his confession I heard his deep pain.  For a moment, I was struck with the feeling that this can't be happening and then I listened to what he was saying and realized how vital it is to make amends as parents but more importantly as people.

Pain can create immense feelings of anger and on some levels rage.  It eats at us from the inside out and makes us say and do things we don't mean. Those intense feelings can push people away and leave you feeling empty and alone.  Our feelings can't be our guide.  We must ask Jesus to be what our parents couldn't be.  Actually, we need to ask Jesus to fill the gaps in all of our relationships.  Feeling unwanted will destroy you.  Embracing Jesus will comfort you and enlighten you.  Not everyone gets to have great patents, spouses or friends.  It's really up to us to seek Jesus.  He will fill our hearts with acceptance, love and peace.

I heard my aunt say yesterday that part of her reaction to religion was her feelings toward being a sinner.  Regardless of what you believe, we all are sinners.  That doesn't mean we are horrible creatures. What it means is that since the fall of Adam and Eve, every human has a sinful nature.  I believe it and I live my life with that knowledge.  It grounds me because then I know how much God truly loves us all.

I wish I could paint this life differently; I'm sure Jesus did too.  Why do you think a man gave His life for you?  There isn't a reason in the world I would give my life for thousands of mean people.  And yet, God gave His life for me. Humbling, don't you think?

This week has reminded me that love never ends.  We had several generations in the room and once again I was reminded that we are the keepers of the next generation.  If you do nothing in this life, give the gift of Jesus.  Talk about what He means to you, embrace His love and pray for the broken hearted.  They are everywhere.  I loved showing Him this week.  Like a great light, my heart was lit up, pronouncing His name!

Worship, fellowship and pray for God's hand.  We are the keepers of the next generation.  Be well my sisters and know the love of Jesus.  If you don't know Him and you would like to investigate who Jesus was and is, go to a pastor or search the web.  You can find all kinds of information about Jesus. The best place to find Him is in a Bible.  Their is a great app called the Bible app.  It translates te Bible in many languages.  He's worth the time; I promise.

 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, dear friends! I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women since they have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:1-7 NIV)

Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013

Good morning all-

Thanksgiving is gone and  all I could think about was the love of Jesus.  In our midst yesterday was a Muslim from Saudi Arabia and a man from India.  It was fun and they were very nice.  My son spent a lot of time talking to the students.  Their lives are much different than ours.  This was their first Thanksgiving feast and I'm sure it's the first time they've heard a prayer to Jesus.  I have no idea how it was received.  They come from strict religious background but I know there are no coincidences in life.  My prayer is that one prayer will begin a journey towards Jesus.

I hope wherever you are you spent time loving.  Moments fly by and with them comes much.  I'm so thankful that my God is a loving, merciful God.  I'm hanging onto the hope for another revival.  It's hard for me to think of religion as a way of life and that's what it is for many.  Rituals, praying to gods or believing in things like sacrificing yourself for many virgins.  This is a way of life in many different parts of the world.  We need to pray that God would reveal His fullness today!

A life filled with rituals is boring and full of rules.  A life filled with Jesus is taking His word and building a relationship full of love.  I have never been into repetition.  I have always loved leveling.  What does that mean?  It means building a step at a time, enhancing, shaping and investing.  Anyone can learn a ritual not as many can build a relationship.  We were meant to build relationships! It's by design our Maker chose to give us free will and I definitely see the benefits of that!

So if you have been talking to people who don't know Christ be sensitive to the fact that they have been programmed for years to believe in their religion or in their lack of one. Pray that God would bless you with the words to speak to them and most importantly pray Christ would reveal Himself.  That's what I will be praying.  My prayer will be tat those to men will see the face of Christ.

Be well my sisters and pray without ceasing! Our best way to Jesus is through prayer.  Invest in it and you will begin to see the face of Jesus.  Although the Bible does not speak about Sara, Mary or Eve's prayers, you know they were.  We are here together because of them.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6 NIV)

Be well my sisters!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28,2013

Good morning all-

I'm up this morning at 5:30 perking my coffee, starting laundry and remembering every single Thanksgiving. My tables are set to entertain over 22 people, family is in and we will be joined by two students from another country. Am I ready? We will see!  What matters most is not how good the food is or how glorious the house looks; what matters most is honoring God in Thanksgiving.

I'm sure you've noticed I haven't been on here very much.  I have been dealing with a personal issue that has been draining all my energy.  Part of it was attitude and the other part I don't wish to state on the Internet. Needless to say, God has been faithful!  My time with Him has helped me take each day as it comes and although my situation hasn't corrected itself ,He is showing me that there is hope.

Two things get me through difficult times, prayer and Thanksgiving.  We don't always remember the times He took us over a mountain or helped us through the flood.  Did you ever wonder how the Israelites doubted?  Of course you have and so have I.  But at the end of the day if the journey is long we will doubt.  My only solution in those times is to pray and thank Him for what I do have.

So wherever you live take time today to reflect on what you have. Give thanksgiving for the food on your table, for the people that nurtured and invested in you ,but mostly, thank Christ for dying on a cross. Remember that He gave His life so you would have eternal life!

I have a lot to be sad about during this time of year but I'm choosing to be thankful for every day, every memory and every season because God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son!  I'm not sure when my personal journey will right  itself but until that day I pray for my heart attitude to stay faithful full of Thanksgiving remains!

I pray that  wherever you live; you are praising Jesus!  Tonight I will give the prayer and in it I will thank Christ for every memory, for every blessing and for every challenge.  He is my Savior and just for that, that's the best reason to thank Him!

May today be full of love, life and praise! Be well my sisters and know I love you so!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. (Psalm 100:4 NIV)

I'm entering now, how about You?  If you've reached this blog and don't know Christ, I encourage you to investigate the truth behind the cross.  He's seeking you to come into His fold.  Don't believe in coincidences because there aren't any!

My prayer today:

O, my Lord, You are my mighty king!  I pray today with thanksgiving and ask that You come into the hearts of men and women all over the world.  Let today be a day of thanksgiving, opening our minds and hearts to You.  I offer up mine today declaring You are the one, true God! Open their eyes Lord to the wonder that is You!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24, 2013

Good morning all-

Baby it's cold outside!  I can't believe we went from being 70 degrees to being 22 in a matter of days but I love it.  My favorite memories are of my mom setting the tables for Thanksgiving, drinking hot chocolate and being bundled up because it was so cold outside.  The house would smell of wonderful things and we knew that soon, she would be baking dozens of cookies, a pan full of fudge and Swedish braids.  (They're still my favorite).

Yesterday was a busy day for me.  I have 22 people coming for Thanksgiving.  My aunt will be coming from New York, a cousin from Austin and 2 foreign exchange students I don't even know.  My house will be full of family from 5 to 75.  Wow!  The only thing missing will be my parents and brother but they will be here right in my heart.

This time of year has always been my favorite.  I love the excitement leading to Christmas and yes, I love to serve and buy gifts.  I love to look in the World Vision catalog to see what I can get and think that at least a few undernourished children will get to eat this year.  As a kid, I just loved the fact that my family would be around, I never thought of anything else actually.  I never thought what it would be like to be the oldest left in a family or being responsible for the traditions to be passed from generation to generation.  I only thought of sitting at the table with the china and the glasses and the beautiful smells of the holidays.

As I was cleaning yesterday all I could think of was how much I missed my parents.  My sister-in-law came over yesterday and helped me set tables, we polished silverware together and laughed about the table cloth that wouldn't smooth out.  I hate wrinkles but this was crazy!  Anyway, we finally got it to a place we both could accept, set the table and we now have 19 of the place settings done.  The last remains for me to do, otherwise, we won't be able to walk in my living room.

There are things I'm very thankful for this year.  I'm thankful that my family is coming.  I'm thankful that I had a mom and dad that made family important and I'm thankful that what they started is moving forward.  I'm also thankful for having a house that can hold so many people, a job that allows me to keep it and to pay for the food and of course, good health so I can continue to do it all.  I am blessed.  My prayer for the coming years will be that we all work to keep those traditions.  Family, friends, giving and serving should be on our watch list of important "to-do's."  We are saved for a purpose and I hope that by building a foundation and a place where Jesus is praised, my family will carry on when I'm gone.

I hope as the days draw nearer to Thanksgiving in the United States we reallywould put our thanks at the feet of Jesus.  The Indians celebrated harvest because it meant survival, we should celebrate because we have life through Jesus.  I know how short life can be so I want to spend my time giving to others, being a good steward and worshiping my God. Miracles still exist, we just have to look for them.

I hope wherever you live, your enjoying the weather and remembering the good moments of your life.  The years fly by, so take each one and embrace it. I'm going to leave you with a prayer that has almost haunted me this week.  In the words, I can hear the raw emotion of a man that loved God's people.

Hear his words:

Ephesians 3:14-21 NIV

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.  I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.  And I pray that you , being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.  Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  AMEN.

This Scripture has been flagged in my Bible App.  If you don't have it, I would encourage you to get it.  It allows you to have your Bible anywhere you go and I love to set bookmarks, now I just need to figure out how to share them between my smart phone and iPad.   I know that many of you may be down during the holidays and that loss and life can make us hate the holidays.  I would encourage you to pray this prayer and to really hear the words.  These were the words prayed thousands of years ago for you and me.  I think that's why I say they haunted me this week, for I know these words have been heard by Christ and carried through the centuries.  Be well my sisters and pray this prayer.  I have prayed it at  least 10 times since I stumbled upon it and although I love to share my prayers with you this one is so powerful, we should all be praying it.  Finally, thank you all for carrying the burden of prayer.  It's a mighty way for us to come together, to love one another and to realize that all of us, no matter where we live, are one with our Father.

Friday, November 15, 2013


Good morning all-

Well it's been two years since I watched my dad slowly take a turn for the worst. I took the opportunity to read the words I wrote on 11/11/11.  You can read them if you wish, they are posted on my November 12th blog 2012.  It was hard to go back and to read my cries for help.  I felt so helpless and really had no where to turn but to Jesus.  I feared that I had failed and in many ways I did. It took a 21 year old to stand on his faith and begin to speak of Jesus.  I will never forget that conversation or the time that passed.  Austin felt called to witness to his bpa while the rest of us shook with fear.

Those days that I sat with him were some of the most torturous of my life because I was helpless. He was dying never knowing Jesus all because I wasn't brave enough to tell him my deepest feelings.  I know he knew though and for that, I'm thankful.  This week has brought back lots of memories for me.  He was an outstanding human being, not to mention a wonderful husband and father. He didn't know The Lord until those last days on earth but he practiced love, kindness, patience and sacrifice.  He was my hero on earth and the reason I can love Jesus so deeply.

When I look over the last seven years lots of thoughts and feelings come to mind but the thing that's most on my mind is the deep conviction my loss has given me to spread Jesus's love.  Fear has no room in my life anymore. If you don't agree with my conviction I'm going to love you anyway but I'm going to stand up and proclaim it!

I have been very blessed.  I'm not sure my brother realizes that a day after my dads favorite day and the marker for his decline from this earth, he was baptized as a son of Christ.  Someone stood up and ministered and proclaimed the name of Jesus!  I know that not everyone is called to stand up and preach but we are called to speak on what God has done in our life.  I'm speaking now and praising Him for His majesty!

So whether my life feels wonderful really doesn't matter because The Lord has done great things for us!  Be blessed my sisters and tell the good news. No one should wait until only dreams can save a man. I learned that the hard way and yet, I was blessed then too.

He does great things that ⌊we⌋ cannot understand and miracles that ⌊we⌋ cannot count. (Job 5:9 GW)

Remember we are not here for ourselves, we are here for His glory just as the Son came to earth and sacrificed His life, we must do the same.  There is no greater  treasures whether it be gold or fame than to be in the presence of Jesus!

Be well today.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013

Good morning all-

I'm sure you have been wondering where I've been.  I am concluding 6 weeks of travel and finally will have time to sit down and write.  My job gets really busy towards the end of the year and I have to sell so that others can have a paycheck.  So during my time of travel I have noticed many things and they have stuck with me for the last two weeks.  One, I don't see a lot of soldiers anymore.  Two, people seem to be more agitated and less likely to be courteous and finally, the homeless.  I seem to see them everywhere I go.  Although, I noticed them a little before, that's all I see now.

I'm a bleeding heart and once upon a time I was very trusting.  I am not as trusting of humans as I once was but I still believe that everyone deserves a chance.  That's why when I look at the true homeless my heart breaks.  There's a story behind every blank stare, every babbling sentence and every basket.  I don't live in New York, Houston or LA but lately, I have seen many that are destitute with no where to live.  I guess that's why my heart is breaking for those in the Philippines.  We are so worried about the people in the US but most of us can reclaim what we once had, at least put a roof over our heads.  They have lost everything.  Most countries do not have property insurance so once they have lost their possessions, they have lost everything.  I'm sure that no one is thinking about the clothes they lost or the house that washed away, they're just trying to survive.  According to the headlines they have one week to save thousands.  Every picture makes my heart break and often I feel helpless.  Not just with what's happening in other countries but what's happening here too.  Another man took his life last week.  Another father left his wife and someone decided that being married meant you didn't have to try. 

All over the world people are suffering from things we can and can not see.  People hide behind smiles and things to keep from falling apart.  I have often wondered what life would be like if we gave of our time more, helped those that are helpless and prayed for those we don't know.  Selfless acts of kindness, where would we be?  I know where we would be, at the feet of Jesus.  He sees everything we see and He rescues those that need rescuing.  He knows their inner turmoil and how hard it is to fight to survive.  He witnesses the natural disasters and calls to His people to serve and to pray.  Why?  So that when we sit in our glass houses, we remember that all things come from Him and at any time those things can be crushed.  The only thing on earth that can't be destroyed is our relationship with Him and that's because He allowed His flesh to be destroyed so that we could be in His light.

This journey is taxing and many bad things happen but as I sit here and write I'm thinking of a prayer I prayed in 1985 for my family.  I prayed that everyone of them would know my Savior.  I asked Him to bring forth His spirit on my family and finish what He started through me.  Yesterday, the headlines read of the devastation in the Philippines, murder, destruction and the downturn of our economy and all I could think about was that prayer.  Why?  Because my youngest brother was baptized and all day long all I could think of was that God had fulfilled a prayer. I was 19 years old when I prayed that prayer and I am 47 now.  When I got saved I truly believed the Lord could do all things.  As I got older, I would wonder and to be truthful I still wonder.  I guess what I have learned is that I don't know God's ways but I do know that He loves His people and when we pray for His will great and mighty things begin to happen.  I am so thankful to a God that shows grace, mercy and understanding on a fallen people, aren't you?

This blog has gone all over the place today but it still comes down to the same thing, love one another and believe that Christ can do all things.  I know that the world makes us question why and we will continue to until Christ comes back.  Maybe instead of questioning we should pray that the homeless find homes, the soldiers come home and the lost be found.  Please take time to pray for those in the Philippines, they are in a state of emergency.  They need our prayers.  Thousands may have been lost and thousands more could be lost.  Pray that the God that found you would find them and come to their rescue.  If we can't be His hands and feet then let's be His warriors, praying on the sideline for a miracle of mighty proportions.

May the Lord of light intercede in your life today.  I know life isn't easy because I'm living it too.  What I do know is that there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not aware that I have been redeemed and it's through that selfless act, I live.  Be blessed my sisters.
The Bible application has this Scripture up today and I thought it fit this so well.

Psalm 33:4-5 NIV

     For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.  The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love.

Make this true today my sisters and love someone!

My prayer today:

O, Lord, thank you for being our deliverer.  Just like those that have gone before us, bad things happen to good people.  In the darkness, please be the light that we walk in and help us to see You in and through all of our circumstances.  Help us to know where we are needed and give us the strength and courage to continue to spread Your word. I am humbled by the fact that You have fulfilled a prayer that I said so long ago.  Continue to spread Your spirit on future generations all over the world and guide us now as we try to stay true to You.  You are the most important thing in  my life and without You I would die.  Thank You for caring about Your people and for always showing us our way.  Help us to divest of our images and begin to only care about people finding You.  I can't imagine a day without You and luckily, I don't have too.  Take care of the men, women and children in the Philippines and hold them because we can't.  I'm praying for protection from hunger, disease and chaos.  Be with them now Lord and let them see the miracle of You.  In Jesus name, AMEN

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013

Good morning all-

I spent most of yesterday on household projects getting ready for my family reunion.  Luckily, I was able to go outside and help my husband take down the decorations so that he can get ready to put up the Christmas lights.  The other time was spent taking off wallpaper.  I don't know how many of you have ever actually stripped border or wallpaper but it's quite a task.

This was actually border on a small room that we are turning into an exercise room.  It used to be the boys computer room until the Internet decided not to work very well.  Now, we will be moving our equipment in so that Mark and I can exercise together this winter.  With the time changing and the season getting colder I thought it would be nice for us to continue to workout together.  Plus it gives  me an excuse to change the room.  Anyway, I started yesterday around 10:30 am and finished taking off the last piece around 5 pm.  It was quite a task with only taking a break to fix lunch and to help take down the decorations with Mark.  He loves to do projects together and I realize how happy he is when I help.  Like many things though, I have my own projects and I don't always want too.  More and more I'm finding that if I want us to be cohesive in every way I need to continue to help him.  Isn't that what we were made to do anyway?

By 8 pm we were cleaning the room and I was looking back at the pure destruction I had caused.  There were millions of little wallpaper pieces everywhere.  Mark asked if I couldn't have been more organized in my demolition.  Of course I couldn't.  If you've ever taken it down you know what I mean!  Anyway, what I realized is I was much more energized than I've been. I think it's because it was totally physical labor.  It took me out of my head and into putting all my energy into peeling each layer, scraping and peeling again.  It was a full upper body workout and my mind didn't have time to contemplate the world crisis, my son's destinies or my future.  All I could think about was the stupid border and how long it was going to take me to get it down.

It's not easy doing manual labor but I'm wondering if that's why people that do seem more content than the rest of us.  Maybe those of us that think instead of work have a harder time because we fixate on things that really don't matter.  Instead of problem solving, like stripping wallpaper, we mull over problems until we can't sleep at night or we're too exhausted to participate in other activities.  I don't have an answer for any of that but I do know that I slept very well last night and nothing could have woke me.

As I woke this morning, I thought of how yesterday made me feel.  I felt accomplished and I felt happy.  I love to change things.  It's probably the renewal that I really like.  Often, I will paint a room just because I love to see how it changes.  Walls don't talk back, they don't have feelings and they change by your hand, it's a win, win.  So this morning, I'm sitting in the room that I demolished thinking about all the work that needs to be done.  It won't be easy.  My husband picked out another border that he really likes and as I put it up to the wall I realized the top portion is cut out.  What does that mean?  I get to paint first, then border.  Yea!  Well at least I opened the package first and put it up to the wall before I got excited about getting this project finished.

All of this home improvement got me thinking about being renewed in Christ.  You know what I mean.  It's like riding a bike really.  You know how to do it, you have already fallen a couple of times and know how to stay up and after awhile the bike becomes one with you.  There aren't any real challenges as long as you avoid cars and don't jump over a ramp.  It's just easy.  The same goes for this room.  I could have kept it exactly the same, moved in the exercise equipment and been done but something said to me, change it and make it new.  I wonder how often God states that for us.  Don't you?  I'm sure He's watching over us, seeing that we are in the same pattern and thinks, "Are they aware of how far they've gotten away from me."  You know it's really easy.  We spend our weeks at home or at our jobs.  We may hop in our cars Wednesday nights to take the kids to church and definitely on Sunday.  We go to lunch after church and may or may not talk about the sermon.  And then we drive home, start our routine and hopefully put our minds on Christ at some point in the week.  You know it's true.  People even read their Bibles routinely but that's just it.  We aren't doing a complete overhaul.  We're simply fitting Him into our day hoping it will suffice.  Now if you're feeling convicted, so am I so don't shoot the messenger. It's just the truth.

So every once in awhile I feel Christ peeling me back, scraping off the hard edges and encouraging me to change.  It's never a major overhaul but it definitely is a work in progress.  You know, like wetting down the walls, taking the wallpaper scraper and trying to find an edge, peeling off anything that will peel and then scraping some more.  And when it's all off, putting the new on and seeing the glory in the work.  That's what Christ has to do to us in order to change the old and bring in the new.  Although, I doubt many of us change in a few hours.  It normally takes time, maybe a day, a week or a year before we have that moment when the light bulb goes off and we realize that something inside has changed and we are better for it.

Like most, I am comfortable with status quo.  It's easier actually.  But is it?  Not in reality.  We must grow in order to teach, in order to know Him more and in order to live according to His word.  If we are just doing enough to get by then we will only know half of what He wants us to know.  It takes us giving of our time and wanting to change to change.  Free will is in the middle so I encourage you to be a work in progress so that God doesn't have to do a major demolition on your soul.  It's much easier to change in increments.  My project is a perfect example.  I didn't try to do everything yesterday.  I could have but I realized that it would be better to start fresh in the morning when I had the energy to renew my mission.  That's what Christ asks of us.  We must renew our minds and hearts on a regular basis so that when He needs to adjust us, we will be open to it.

I hope this post hasn't been to long today but working on my room got my creative juices going.  It's wonderful to pour out my thoughts onto this blog and see what God has done in my life.  These writings aren't just about spreading the gospel, they're for me too.  I'm no different than anyone that reaches this blog.  Like Paul, I am the least of these.  He knew that God had done a  miracle in His life and just like him, I know Christ has given me a gift.  When He poured His blood on my soul, I knew that I'd been saved.  I am lucky because although I am a sinner; I have eternal life through Christ Jesus.  Be well today my sisters and embrace the changes you are going through.  Anything that is happening in your life is because of your commitment and love of Christ.  He will renew your mind and spirit as long as your willing to let him.

Deuteronomy 30:6 NIV

     The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love Him will all your heart and with all your soul, and live.

1 Samuel 2:1 NIV

     Then Hannah prayed and said: "My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high.  My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance.

My prayer today:

O, Lord, please bring me to a place that I am always willing to be changed.  I am like the wallpaper I took down yesterday, glued and sometimes hard to reach.  I often have to be peeled, scraped and then renewed.  I know that about myself and I am humbled that You revealed it through my project.  As I sit and write today I would like to praise You for the many changes You have made in me.  I know that I am a sinner. I can be stubborn but when I look upon You I know that Your my deliverer that  conquered my wounded soul.  I will never be able to repay You for the burden You bore for me or for the sacrifice that You made but with every breath I pray that I will live for You alone.  Keep me in today and help me see what needs to change in this moment.  I can't worry about tomorrow but I can face the day knowing that I must be humbled to Your will.  Continue to provide word pictures of the things that are important to You and please help the women that reach this blog know You better through prayer, Scripture and me.  I am a servant, one who loves You with her whole heart.  Grant me, O, Lord the spirit of renewal and let me seek You all my days.  In Jesus Name, AMEN

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 2, 2013

Good morning all-

Well October is a thing of the past and we are off to November.  Have you ever noticed how the months seem to dissipate in a blink of an eye?  They come and go so fast anymore I can't seem to even enjoy them.  Soon, I will have Thanksgiving at my house and then Christmas will be upon us and then, a new year will dawn.

I love this time of year.  Mainly because people give of themselves.  Thanksgiving is a time of true family tradition.  Anyone that ever had a family meal knows what I'm talking about.  I can remember not having much money, my parents scraping for every cent but there was always a nice fat turkey on the table, dressing, and mashed potatoes.  Those are the foods I remember most.  My mom liked things like cranberry dressing and pickled beets; I still get nauseated thinking about those but the memories are precious.

I got up early today and thought about what I would write.  This time holds many precious moments for me and memories I will take to my grave.  Family was a part of who my parents were.  My mom ingrained us to think about family and to remember that each one of us held the key that would take us into the next generations.  We are family and with that there is a responsibility to care and nurture that family.

I am so glad to be the matriarch now but with it comes much responsibility.  On Thanksgiving, I'm hosting the last of my mom's siblings and my cousins for Thanksgiving.  I'm a little nervous about it but every time I want to get stressed; I just think to myself, this is family. 

I know that in the US this is a big celebration.  I'm sure in other countries you may have similar holidays to express family but this is ours.  Our founding fathers wouldn't have survived the harsh winters without the help of the Indians.  Them breaking bread together is what our history is founded on. In the US more people travel during Thanksgiving than any other time of the year.  All you have to do is book a flight around November 26 in the US and you will see what I'm talking about.

It's known that people will travel for a few short days to break bread with their families.  It's a wonderful tradition and one that hasn't left the US.  Now only if this Thanksgiving could be more about family getting together.  It would be great if Thanksgiving became a time of spiritual awakening.  I will have many different people at my table this November.  Some will know Christ and some won't but I'm going to give the prayer just as I have for the last 20 years.  I have said the prayer since I was 17 years old and I will continue until my death.  Why?  Because I have food on my table because of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is in the world. We may not be able to see Him but every act of kindness, every smile and every triumph comes from God.  With every sunset and every sun rise we should know that no matter where we live in the world, Jesus lives!  He is not a figment of our imagination.  He lived, He rose and He will come again.  For all the skeptics in the world there are many of us that know that He saved a wretch like me.  He did not come here for His own gratification but to do His Father's will.  He is One inside a Holy Trinity and we should never forget that everything under the sun belongs to Him including us.

My prayer this season leading to Christmas is that every generation will experience a revival in Christ.  I'm praying for the doubter and the addict.  I'm praying for those that judge and have much pride.  And at the end of the day, I'm praying that people will unite all over the world and sing to the One that deserves our praise.  It's not easy in these times.  Many are fearing for their lives, many are starving and many need a Savior.  I know how lucky I am and in that I praise the name of Jesus.  I would be lost without Him, no matter my wealth.  I must rely on a God that is merciful because at the end of this day; I'm still a sinner and I know it.  As we step into this month and next, please pray that a Christmas miracle would reach every country on this earth.  I'm praying that many will come to know my Father and finally see His hand on their lives.  I'm also praying that I would know Him more, love Him more dearly and follow Him all my days.  On that note, I'm praying the same for you.  We must be His hands and feet.  Why? Because we are commissioned to spread the good news and not be silent.

I hope today is filled with knowing Him and loving Him.  He is amazing in every way!  Take care today and know that you are on my mind.  If you are brave, tell your story by commenting on this blog.  Let us all join to pray for your needs and to glorify our God.  Be well my sisters and know that Christ is near!

1 Chronicles 23:30 NIV

     They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord.  They were to do the same in the evening.

1 Chronicles 29:12 NIV

     Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things, in your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.

My prayer today:

O, Lord, my Father, how worthy are you?  You have more worth than the most precious stones.  I look upon You and see Your mighty hand on this earth and thank You for Your tremendous gifts.  Lives are being changed all over the world and only You can do that!  We are impressed when our pantries are full, our mortgages are paid and our bellies are full.  We praise You when everything is going our way, when we have abundance and when we feel safe.  Lord, I ask that You would grant us peace in turmoil, prosperity in destruction and thanksgiving in sadness.  These are the times when we often go off into ourselves and these are the times we need You the most.  Today is a day to thank You, not for the abundance of riches or health but because You, alone, gave Your life for us.  We never deserved a gift as precious as You and yet, You saw fit to give Your life.  I pray today for the lost and ask that men and women that love You would embrace Your call and love others.  I pray that we would love our neighbors more than we love ourselves.  At the end of every day, I pray that we are singing and praising You for who You are and not what You provide.  Our lives are about us but when we look upon You, they become about others.  As we go into the season of Thanksgiving, I pray that we will repent of our sins, ask for wisdom and pray for the masses.  Only You can encourage us to be the men and women You need in this battle. Our time is now to do Your will and to seek You first.  In everything, I give You thanks and ask for a revival throughout Your kingdom.  For all is Yours!  Be with us today and help us be Your servants.  Protect us as we go about preaching Your word and blind us to the things that are false, only revealing the things You want us to know.  We come before You, loving You more today than yesterday and asking for Your Holy Spirit to steer us today!  You are our King... In Jesus Name, AMEN

Until tomorrow...

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013

Good afternoon all-

I have an important question to ask, do you follow Christ because you love him or do you follow Him because you fear Him?  I know that these questions are packed with a punch but I think it's important for us to look at our reasoning for following Him.  Do we really know Him like we should?  Is it more important for us to look good rather than build a relationship with Him?  Do we seek Him because our heart wants to know Him deeper or are we floating along hoping to catch a glimpse of Him?  We probably do some or all but in the end we should examine our intent.

When I first found Christ my intent was to know Him because He saved me.  As I grew in my walk, I became more judgmental and full of the law.  I walked and talked like I knew more than anyone else.  As a matter of fact, I came home for break and tried to save my entire family from Hell.  I was an evangelist in my own mind.  In some ways, I even became a walking, talking Pharisee.

I read my Bible, quit reading anything that was not biblical and stopped everything else.  My life went from being that of a teenager to a full blown adult, with not a lot of grey area.  I only looked at things black and white and the more I looked that way the better I felt about my actions and those that I surrounded myself with.  I judged.  It's really unfortunate when I look back because maybe some would have followed Christ if I hadn't been such a stickler on my way being the only way.

Now there are some things that are black and white.  How we get saved, who Jesus is and what God did for the sinner, there is no moving that ground.  However, what about grace, mercy and love?  For those first months I forgot about the latter and only worked on those things I believed were true.  I became the driving force behind the next revival at least in my own mind.  I'm sure you can imagine what happened.  Not a lot of anything.  People quit talking to me and I quit even liking who I had become.  I always loved the underdog and worked hard at loving people.  That changed when I began to believe I was better than everyone else.  Looking back I'm so ashamed but with that, I also found what it meant to be a daughter of Christ.  Maybe I had to go through my period of throwing the first stone to see the stone that was wedged in my eye.

I have many faults and through the years I have been tested, refined and continue to be worked on.  I try not to judge because I don't know what tomorrow will bring and I have learned that by loving people I can show Christ so much better than casting that first stone.  We are to love the sinner and hate the sin.  Somewhere along the way, I had forgotten that I was a sinner and that only by His grace did I get saved.  Humbling and very true.

The workers are few.  We can see that for ourselves.  Persecution can happen and bad things do happen to good people but the message of the cross exists and is real.  It can stand on its own or we can be used to help spread it.  His goal for us is not to be pious.  He would rather have us be His friend, learn about who He is and what matters to Him than be educated fools.  I know there are a lot of those kinds of people that are out there.  They are the ones that believe that brilliance equals knowing more than the next person.  I believe that by investing in Jesus we will know more than the most intelligent scholar.  Why?  Because you only know what He wants you to know anyway so why not be humble and spread His word the right way:  by loving Him, knowing Him and proclaiming Him.

If you find yourself tired of serving Him, maybe you should look at your motives.  God gives you the energy you need to do His will.  You may be doing your will over His.  Think about that for a moment, can we as Christians do something for ourselves rather than Him?  Absolutely!  It's all in the motive behind the service.  Today, I go to church, talk to people and spread the word through this blog not because I'm looking for esteem.  I'm really just wanting everyone to know how Jesus has impacted my life.  He is my friend, my husband and my love.  He is all things to me.  Me knowing what He represents is a bonus.  My goal for my life is to show love, mercy and kindness because when I least deserved it, He gave it to me anyway.

I hope today finds you will.  I have to go back to work but I hope you think about your motives and your relationship with Him.  He knows you, don't you want to know Him?

Acts 15:9 NIV
     He did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith.

Colossians 2:6-7 NIV

     So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

I have to go back to work so I will leave the prayer to you.  I think you will know what needs to be said.  Have a wonderful and beautiful day and in all things thank Jesus from delivering you from sin.

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 23,2013

Good morning all-

This week has been so busy that I haven't had much time to write but I've had a ton on my mind.  I woke up this morning with one thought, "Defeat is not an option.!"  This statement should be our motto.  If we are going to head into battle then we need to at least prepare our minds and have an end goal.  My end goal it to continue fighting and not let defeat be my escape route.

We have the ability to be defeated.  We have the spirit to let go.  We have choice.  What are you going to choose?  It's easier to be defeated than to fight the war.  Just look at society today.  We are letting misconceptions, lies and selfishness overtake what used to be about unity, kindness and perseverance.  We would rather start a war over money and power then take care of our own.  It's really sad.  I know that I can't win every battle being waged today.  I just don't have the power. However, I can do what I've been asked by my king and pray for the women all over the world.  I can light a fire under us to do  more than be apathetic and to stand up for what we know is true.  I can infuse Scripture into our daily lives and offer up prayers for those that can't pray.  Just like you, I can get down.  I'm not some mighty warrior that never sees a tear.  As a matter of fact, up until a few years ago, I couldn't even cry.  I held all my emotions in believing that my strength came from me alone.  Foolish, I know, but nevertheless that's how I lived my life.

Today, I know I can't do it alone.  My faith has grown through many battles and when I get the thought in my head it's time to retreat, I have to go to Jesus.  For Him, defeat was not an option.  As a man, He chose us over His own life.  I would imagine that wasn't an easy decision.  But in the end, He was nailed to a cross for us!  I am humbled by that in so many ways I can't even tell you but I also know that I am human and sometimes when life gets tough I want to retreat.

I'm not sure why I feel so strongly about this today.  Maybe it's because I know that to stay in the fight is worth more than my own life.  To live for Jesus is worth it and that even though I will face many trials and many more battles trusting in Him is where I need to stand.  Now, I won't be able to do this if I stand by my feelings.  I will only be able to stay the course if I am likeminded with Him, following and seeking His will, His wisdom and His hand.  Warriors need tools and my tools come from Him.  Prayer is the most powerful tool we have along with Scripture.  Jesus prayed and taught prayer to the disciples.  Obviously, it worked for them.  Millions were saved and the church still stands after thousands of years of persecution.  We might not be dying in the US because of our faith but look at the news, there are people in Syria and Egypt that are.  We can't close our eyes, tuck our tails and run for the hills.  We must stand on sacred ground and put Jesus at the helm.  I have read of great generals and men that saved their troops, made wise decisions and won wars.  Do you really think they did it alone?  No.  Men and women were praying, they were seeking and in battle they found the one true God.  There's only one way to win any battle and that's through the power of the cross.

If you find yourself struggling with what matters and believing you should retreat, stand your ground.  Always seek Jesus and remember that trusting in Him is the only way to win the war.  We are His women laying the foundation of faith for the next generation.  If we don't believe in Him, who will.  Our fight has been going on since the day of Eve and it will continue until Jesus comes back to take His bride.  In the meantime, we must unite, take up the cross and pray from the US all over the world.  Each voice is heard and together our voices become one.  Be strong my sisters and take up the cross because defeat is not an option!

I pray that you are getting stronger, wiser and more encouraged.  I pray that God has His hand on you today and that you are seeking Him with your entire being.  He is near, we just need to make the call! Be well and as always you have a friend in me.

Joshua 14:11 NIV

     I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.

2 Chronicles 13:12 NIV

     God is with us; he is our leader.  His priests with their trumpets will sound the battle cry against you.  People of Israel, do not fight against the Lord, the God of your ancestors, for you will not succeed.

My prayer today:

O, Lord come upon your might warriors and send a message of encouragement and hope.  Help those that are weak be strong in You.  Bring about a revival to every woman, in every nation.  Give us time to be with You and to encourage others to put their trust in the only living God.  Nations may crumble and people may die but You will always stand.  Defeat was not an option for You.  Please give us the courage to stand up and speak Your mighty name.  Let us be bold in our thoughts and in our actions and although we are not here to save your chosen, we are here to spread Your word.  I rely on You to lead me through the good times and the bad times.  I have learned most through hardship and found You in the middle.  The battle is greater than one woman so I'm calling upon You to raise up mighty warriors that will spread the news and that will learn to trust in You no matter the circumstances.  Be with us today as we carry the cross the masses.  Almighty God You are our portion, speak to us and give us encouragement to continue down the path that leads to You!  In Jesus name, AMEN

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 19, 2013

Good morning all-

I have a lot on my mind today so I finished one blog to start another.  Hopefully, it's worth your time to read both or like me, you will come back and read it later.  I have a little more time on my hands this morning and I woke up with this on my heart so I thought if I could finish the blog I started yesterday and then sit and write this one, God would multiply the rest of my day.

Yesterday, I took the day off and spent it cleaning areas of my house I hate to clean, like closets.  I hate to clean and yet that's all I do.  I have to pick up, clean dishes, do the laundry and then it starts all over again.  I don't know why I spend so much time complaining about it in my head but I do.  That's a problem in itself but on with the story.

 I went in search of a new vacuum cleaner and one store didn't have it, so I decided to go out and search for it.  During that time, I had a really good friend on my mind and noticed she liked the blog on Facebook so I decided to call her.  She is such a wonderful person.  If you met her on the street you would notice her because she has a big smile and always shines like the sun.  She is not only beautiful outside but radiates beauty on the inside.  For the last three years she has struggled in her marriage and now, her daughter is four, she's wore out, fallen out of love and moving towards a divorce and all I could think of is,"there goes another one down."  What do I mean by that?  I mean a family, broken, hurt and sad.  Why? Because one person couldn't stop drinking, yelling or being critical and the other lost faith in Him.  The scars are not visible to the outside world.  No one would know that her marriage is failing or that she has endured endless hours and years of verbal abuse, all they would see is her smile.  Funny how we can keep our darkest secrets and let the world only see what we want them to see.

I know what it's like to go out and put a smile on your face when your marriage is crumbling.  I know what it's like to try to make a man happy only to feel like you somehow are destroying him with every look and every word.  It's crazy.  The man that was your hero brought down by you.  After a while you begin to think so and then you get angry and lastly you're done.  People try counseling but it's just too late.  They have done the circle of abuse for too long only to find out to late that all you really wanted was that person from the beginning.

A marriage and the vows that come with it are not to be taken lightly.  It is a commitment on both parties part to honor and treasure one another.  Often, Satan turns those words into malice, hate, and abandonment. Drinking, drugs, anger and abuse come from what once was passion.  A man marries a woman because they fall in love.  They really love the fact that you respect them and hold them up.  They feel like they could do no wrong in your sight until one day their actions change that and the destruction begins.  In the Bible, God does not talk about a man's love like He does for a woman.  He talks about respect.  If you think about it that's how it all begins.  My mom always said that mutual respect was the key to having a good marriage and since my parents had a great one, I know she's right.  The Bible talks about respecting our husbands but it's hard to respect someone that doesn't even respect themselves.  That's where I think our men need help.

I'm petitioning all of you to begin a campaign of respect.  I would like us all to do two things: pray for our men to have courage and for women to respect men.  These two things will be vital in our fight against the devil.  He is destroying marriage as I write.  I have also felt His hand in my marriage.  He seeks to destroy that which God intended.  Many wonder why secular couples stay married longer than Christian couples.  I don't.  I know that if he can destroy what God has put together; He destroys generations.

Whether you believe that divorce is good or bad doesn't matter. There are times where divorce is the only way to save oneself.  The world is getting uglier day by day and women are at the heart of this destruction.  We see women being used as human bombs.  Children walking the streets to be put as targets to soldiers and soldiers coming home wanting to destroy themselves for the things they had to do.  We are in a world where wars are common and death and destruction are inevitable but there is hope.   The same hope we place our hearts in is with us now.  He watches over us and intercedes but we are at the core of the fight, so ladies let's fight.  I'm tired of hearing of marriages falling apart and that includes mine.  I'm fighting against something I can't see and yet I know it's right in front of me.  I can feel the attacks before they even begin and when they get strong, my defenses weaken and all kinds of things creep in.  We can't continue hoping things will get better for our men or ourselves.  We must pray for the covenant that men and women are taking.  We must pray that our men will not get discouraged and will wage a war against the flesh and evil.  We must stand up for our families and ask Christ to do a miracle.  Not every marriage will be saved, I know that but I think we have a better chance if we are praying for them.  In addition, we must pray for our hearts.  When we go to battle, it's easy for the enemy to destroy us first.  We are geared more towards love and feelings so it's easier to tear us down and once we are bare, there's nothing left.

I know this is a long blog today but I had to get this out.  Jesus is the answer.  All the words in the world don't add up to our Mighty Savior.  He can heal the hurt, change a heart and mend a broken marriage.  He can provide courage where only cowardice reigns and He can take what Satan would destroy and lift it up.  I know because He's done it countless times in my life.  I have felt His hand in my darkest hours and I have heard Him say in my head, be obedient, I am here.  Do you know how hard is it do that when every drop of feeling is gone?  Well, I have countless times and He has renewed, restored, and brought me to a place of great faith.  This fight is bigger than one woman. It's going to take men and women fighting against an enemy they can't see and trusting in the blood of Jesus.  We are one and we must pray as one to fight for our families, for our children and for the next generation.  Many marriages succeed, why?  Because at the heart of each marriage there was a friendship, a sacrifice and a true commitment to die to oneself.  Christ was in the middle and the woman was treasured and the man respected.  My favorite thing about going out is to see the couples walking around that are in their 70s, 80s and 90s, holding hands, eating dinner together or just being.  They make my heart glad.  That's how my parents would have been.  At my dad's funeral, I held up their two wedding bands that I had strung together with a purple ribbon.  They now sit in a safe deposit box but they are my guide to what marriage is.  For all the marriages that are broken, there are those that lasted a lifetime.  I can only walk today and fight the battle one day at a time but that keepsake reminds me that God is present and that marriage is worth fighting for.

For those of you that are reading this blog that have been divorced, please know I understand and sometimes people make choices that leave you with only one option.  God is merciful and understands.  I pray for you that you will continue to seek Him and if He sends someone in your direction to love and care for you that you take it.

I hope today finds you well and that you find hope for yourself in these words.  God is right here.  He's fighting along side us but we must fight too.  We have to fight our minds, our flesh and our enemy and the only way we can do that is to give our hearts and minds to Christ.

Ezra 10:4 NIV

     Rise up; this matter is in your hands.  We will support you, so take courage and do it."

Phillipians 1:20 NIV

     I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.

Ephesians 5:33 NIV

     However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

My prayer today:

O, Lord, I come to you today with a whole lot on my mind.  I feel like I have spit up all over this page and I ask that You would make known what's on Your heart.  I would ask that You would unite women all over the world to pray for marriage whether they are today or not.  I would ask that You would help us be the women that respect men and that we would continue to lift them up.  I believe that men are being attacked and that families are suffering.  You are the only one that can fix the messes we place into our hearts and minds.  Give us all courage to stay the course, to love You and to put You in the middle of all of our relationships. I am not discouraged because I know that You are fighting right beside me for the good of the family and You will continue to until we meet face to face.  We are Your children and You love us with all our flaws.  Be with us today as we unite for the good of marriage.  Lift up our children and their children and help us all make wise decisions.  Give us strength to die to ourselves and replace it with the things that matter to YOU!  We are Your children and so I'm asking for protection, for one mind and for You to give us the knowledge and understanding to win this great war!  May we seek You daily, love You more and be faithful to Your cause.  You are the light and all we need today.  Thank You for being everything we aren't.  In Jesus Name, AMEN

Until tomorrow....